How to Balance a Hip Hop Song

How to Mix Hip Hop (4 hours of video + multitracks) If you are struggling to get your hip hop mixes to sound professional, than putting more time into the balance will actually be a good exercise for you.  It focuses you away from the technicals and onto what you are feeling. When you start to […]

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Adding Life to The Mix Buss

Mix buss processing is one of those subjects that seems very convoluted because everyone has a strategy or technique and not every engineer is the same. Some like a lot of processing while others tend to keep things simple. In fact if you read any of my Psychology of a Mix Engineer Interviews, you would […]

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BPB introduces “Cassette 909” (Free Sample Pack)

Bedroom Producers Blog has become a good friend to Modern Mixing over the last few months and has been gracious in posting about the site. If you haven’t heard about the site, it’s actually pretty cool.  The focus is mainly on freeware for musicians so anything from effects and processing for mixing to VST instruments. […]

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The Best High Quality Trap Drum Kit

​Gary Noble​Grammy Award Winning Producer/Mix Engineer”I downloaded the kit and the sounds are of high quality with plenty of room to eq, compress,saturate or distort as you see fit” DOWNLOAD NOW

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TDR VOS SlickEQ – FREE Plugin [Breakdown & Review]

Download The TDR SlickEQ here The TDR VOS SlickEQ is a collaborative effort from the likes of Variety of Sound (Herbert Goldberg) and Tokyo Dawn Labs (Vladislav Goncharov and Fabien Schivre). The SlickEQ is a mixing/Mastering EQ that was designed for ease of use and of course great sound.  It’s arranged in a LOW/MID/HIGH semi […]

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DeEssing the Low End?

DeEss the Low End?  How is that even possible when there aren’t any S’s in the bottom end? Well truthfully it’s not possible but what I am trying to achieve with this post is to flip your thinking on dealing with the lower frequency problems and treat them like we would with the higher frequencies […]

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HoRNet SW34EQ Plug-in Review

This review of the HoRNet SW34EQ is definitely long overdue but I felt like I needed to sit with this one for a while and really incorporate it into my workflow to be able to make a fair assessment – for better or for worse. The HoRNet SW34EQ is an analog model of the EQ […]

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