Category Archives for Compression

10 Pro Mixing Engineers Discuss Their Favourite In-The-Box Compressors

Last week I posted an article where I took quotes from 10 very successful audio engineers who told me what their favourite in-the-box equalizer was. So this week is the exact same concept except for the fact that it’s all about compression! I love asking these guys what they are using inside-the-box because let’s face […]

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Compression VS Equalization: Fight!

You’re probably thinking: “Is this guy seriously comparing compression to EQ? Everyone knows that they serve two completely different purposes” And I wouldn’t disagree. Aside: I actually do use compression as another form of EQ but I’ll explain that a bit later. This article is more about the mental battle that we engineers face (internally) […]

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Cerating Mixing Depth

13 Advanced Concepts for Creating Depth in a Mix

The concept of creating depth always seems to stem from the use of effects, you know, using delays, reverbs and things of those nature. So why is that when we try to use these effects processors, our mixes sound flat and washy but not three dimensional like we are lead to believe? In this article, […]

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A Minimalist Approach to Mixing Vocals

Subscribe to the Modern Mixing YouTube Channel Song in Video: Avril V – Looking My Way One of the hardest things to overcome in the mixing world is learning when not to do things – espeically when mixing vocals.  Now since mixing music is very subjective so is the practice of minimal mixing. In this […]

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DeEssing the Low End?

DeEss the Low End?  How is that even possible when there aren’t any S’s in the bottom end? Well truthfully it’s not possible but what I am trying to achieve with this post is to flip your thinking on dealing with the lower frequency problems and treat them like we would with the higher frequencies […]

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How to Mix Drake/Weekend Style Drums in Pro Tools

What really makes a Drake style drum sound? It’s not really that easy to quantify, especially in one article.  Even though Drake seems to have a “signature sound” it’s actually not as consistant as you may think.  I mean when you go from Marvin’s Room to Hold On, We’re Going Home, you can see how […]

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Native Instruments SUPERCHARGER [Plug-in Review]

Recently Native Instruments released a FREE (for a limited time) plug-in called SUPERCHARGER. Native Instruments boasts that “Supercharger” is dripping with high-octane attitude of a one-of-a-kind tube compressor. Thanks to Modern Mixing subscriber Ben Busack for giving me the heads up on this cool plug-in so I can share it with you. I’ve been able […]

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Sidechaining Bass Like Jaycen Joshua

By this point in time I think almost every producer knows what sidechaining is even if they don’t produce EDM style records.  Ever since electronic producers made sidechaining a staple in that genre it has slowly made its way into other genre’s as well; one of them being hip hop. So a few weeks ago […]

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Mixing Hip Hop Drums with Chris Carter

When it comes to mixing hip hop drums, Chris is no stranger to getting the drums to crack and fill up the speakers, everything you would expect in a good hip hop track. In this interview/tutorial we go deep into a mixing session of his as he explores what he did to achieve the final […]

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Mixing Clean Electric Guitars

For this Mix Lesson I am focusing on a clean electric guitar that comes in the Pre Chorus as well as the second half of the chorus. I have been asked by a number of people to cover the topic of electric guitars in more of my articles and videos but have never really found […]

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Automating Harsh Frequencies out of Vocals

On almost every track that I get my hands on, there is some form of frequency control that has to be done.  I’ve been doing this long enough to understand and accept that.  Of course when then vocals are recorded really well there tends to be less of it but it’s usually always there. When […]

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Treating The Master Buss

The practice files are no longer available for this video, sorry for the inconvenience. This article is focused on the Mix Buss and the processing that I used for the final stage of the mix. Now I’ve covered the topic of Mastering a Song before but since this is a pretty unique circumstance I wanted […]

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Mixing Vocals with Ghislain Brind’Amour (Part 2 of 2)

Okay so we are back in action for part 2 of Mixing Vocals with Ghislain Brind’Amour.  If you haven’t checked out part 1 go do that now because it leads into what we will be talking about today. In part 1 we discussed all the processing that went in to getting the overall tone of […]

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